Celebrating Thanksgiving with Braces

by | Nov 1, 2022 | Dental Hygiene

Is it your first holiday with new braces? It’s normal to have questions! There’s a lot to learn about having braces! Here’s what you need to know about celebrating Thanksgiving with braces so you can feel prepared and enjoy a worry-free holiday.

Things You Need for Braces Care

Before the busyness of the holidays is upon you, it’s a good idea to make sure you have everything you need to take good care of your braces. Celebrating Thanksgiving with braces is easier when you don’t have to worry about running out of dental picks or toothpaste!

The essentials we typically recommend are a toothbrush and toothpaste, floss, floss threader, dental picks, and wax (if your braces are new and you’re still adjusting to the feel of them). You might also want to add extra items like mouthwash, an electric toothbrush, or a waterpik flosser, depending on your dental care habits and needs!

Foods to Avoid with Braces

When celebrating Thanksgiving with braces, it’s also important to know how to keep your braces safe from things that could damage them. Foods that are crunchy, chewy, sticky, hard, or that require you to bite directly into them are typically the ones that put your braces at the highest risk.

If this brings to mind any favorite holiday treats, don’t get discouraged because there are still many more foods that are safe to enjoy with braces! You might even find a new favorite holiday treat this year as you try new braces-safe foods.

Safer Foods for Braces

In general, foods that are recommended as safe for braces include those that are soft, melt in your mouth, and don’t require biting into or a lot of chewing. This can include foods like casseroles, soft bread broken into bite-sized pieces, cooked fruit or veggies, cheesy or mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. For a tasty and braces-safe dessert, pumpkin pie, fruit pies, custard or cream pies, and puddings are all great options.

If you have special dietary restrictions or your holiday traditions include foods that aren’t listed, you can always ask your orthodontist specific questions! They’ll be happy to help you find ways to enjoy your favorite holiday traditions without putting your braces at risk.

Call our Allen, TX, dental office, to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.
